Following are Videos, Articles and Interviews with the author of The Vermont Mask Survey
The WVMT Morning Drive:
Radio Hosts Kurt and Anthony of WVMT in Winooski, Vermont interview Amy Hornblas on April 25th, 2023 about the upcoming Emergency Forum to Assess the Respiratory Hazards of Masks :

Read the rest of the Open Letter to Dr. Levine:
Complete List of Articles Published in Vermont Independent Archive:
Interview on Dial It Up with Terry Difazio, July 18, 2023:
Truth Rising with guest Amy Hornblas Vermont activist
An interview with the woman who stands up to the VT mask orders. Amy Hornblas, with Jim and Emily interviewing. November, 2022
The Bubbles Experiment!
Interview on Dial It Up with Terry Difazio, August 16th, 2022:
Vermont State House Rally, August 21, 2021
Interview about Breathing Celebrations with Terry DiFazio on Dial It Up, September, 2021:
Magical Mystery Tour radio interview on WGDR, January 15th, 2021:
Magical Mystery Tour extended radio interview on WGDR, June, 2021:
Dial It Up with Terry DiFazio Interview- December, 2020:
Dial It Up with Terry DiFazio, Second Interview- January 2021:
Dial It Up with Terry DiFazio, Third Interview- June, 2021:
Conversations with Vermonters Interview, November 2020:
Articles and Letters:
See Open Letters tab for more content by the author.
Vermont Independent Articles:
Masking Vermonters: The Survey (PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH)
Vermont Mask Survey 2020 (GLOBAL GRAPHS: UNMASK THE DATA)
Vermont Department Of Health: Dr. Levine, Are You Listening? (OPEN LETTER)
Unmasking Vermont, Redux! (2023: BREATHE FREE, VERMONT!)
Caledonian Record above the fold article: 12/20/20, Letter to the Editor:—amy-hornblas/article_d61d805c-fe07-5c5d-8bec-461f6033e61c.html
802 Freedom Website article, November 2020:
Trendy Times above the fold article: 10/27/20:
Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission meeting presentation, December, 2020: Board of Commissioners Archive – Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission (
Cabot Select Board Meeting presentation, December 7, 2020, recording, first item on agenda:
St. Johnsbury School Board meeting, December, 2020:
St. Johnsbury School Board Meeting, June, 2021 (starts at 34 minutes):
Vermont Agency of Education Public Comment Slideshow, How Mask Use Effects O2 and CO2- Are Youth Suffering?:
Second Opinions rarely heard in the mainstream, check out the links in this document:
Amy’s Kid’s Show tab contains episodes of Amy’s Radio Show for Youth of All Ages, aired weekly on WGDR and WMRW, community radio stations in Central Vermont.
Exploring issues related to Health, Harmony, Happiness, and Humor. Hosts Geri Proccachini and Amy Hornblas discuss a range of topics with guests from around the area. The show broadcasts live every Friday at noon from Community Radio Station WMRW in Warren, Vermont. Episodes of this weekly show can be found on The Four H Radio Show tab.
Testimony from Vermont Residents:
Hear What Your Vermont Neighbors had to say about masks at their local town’s mask mandate hearings:
Waterbury Selectboard Meeting, December 6th, 2021 (Mask discussion begins at 1.39.00)
Cabot Selectboard Meetings, December 7th and December 14th, 2021:
Danville Selectboard Meeting, December 2nd, 2021: No video, only audio, available at this time:
To hear testimony at school board meetings from parents describing the harms their students are suffering, see the YOUTH! page on this website.
Helpful Links by Others:
Food and Drug Administration- To report observed or suspected adverse effects with face masks or other medical devices to the FDA:
Dr. Aimee Stephenson’s testimony on the effectiveness of masks in the State of Vermont vs. HNR Desautels LLC (UPS in Newport) court hearing:
(Due to sound and technical difficulties, the bulk of Dr. Stephenson’s testimony begins at 20 minutes and continues for over an hour. At 1:17 Dr. Stephenson specifically answers questions about the evidence on the effectiveness of masks.)
Video that explains the science behind the use of masks, check out: Mask Facts: The Model Health Show
To contact this website author with questions or evidence to share: