Hello! My name is Amy, and I’m a health educator from Vermont. (VT for short.)
I am freely sharing these resources to encourage an appreciation for each other and the abundance all around us. Enjoy!
Here are Some of the Resources You’ll Find on Amy VT:

Vermont Stands Up Movie Release:
A Look Back & Return to Freedom & Unity is a short film which interviews five Vermonters (including Amy) who were on the front lines in the struggle for health choice and freedom during the Covid crisis.
Vermont Stands Up has a Rumble page Documenting Years of Freedom Gatherings Across Vermont:
Health Choice LEGISLATION Brings Common Sense to the Vermont Statehouse
In the spring of 2024 many Vermonters contacted their legislators and encouraged them to MOVE on Bill 182:
“This bill proposes to recognize and to prohibit any interference with an individual’s rights to bodily autonomy, to make the individual’s own health care decisions, and to be free to accept or refuse any health or medical intervention, testing, treatment, or vaccine based on the individual’s own religious, conscientious, or personal beliefs.”
While the legislature failed to act on 182 last session, many people rallied. As a result our representatives are becoming aware that our health freedoms need protection.
Another health freedom bill will be introduced again in 2025. As this process moves forward, it is very helpful if citizens let their representatives at every level hear from them about the importance of being able to refuse medical interventions and devices.
Stay tuned for more updates here: HEALTH CHOICE LEGISLATION page
Thank you for visiting my website!
Have questions or suggestions? Contact Amy:
The information contained on this website is presented to you by the author for informational purposes only. The author is NOT a medical, legal, or personal protective equipment expert. Nothing within this website is intended to provide medical, legal, or other advice of any kind. Readers/viewers are responsible for doing their own research, and seeking professional advice when necessary.