New Study Confirms Masks Were Harming Children Thanks To Unjustified Policies
by Ian Miller
To this date, there is no evidence masks are safe for youth. It would be too dangerous to conduct such a study.
Does The Vermont Agency of Education have evidence masks are safe for students?
Read the Open Letter to Secretary French to learn more.
Supervisory Union FOIA Response, DECEMBER, 2022:
The U.S. Department of Education’s guidance is currently being used to justify masking students and staff in specific classrooms and settings, using IEP and 504 laws:
LINK to DOE Guidance Letter:
This letter to the Kingdom East Supervisory Union school board explains the FOIA results, as well as the dangers of using 504 and IEP plans to (confidentially) mask students and staff across the U.S.:
The Detriment of Masking with Dr. Christina Parks:
Children need more oxygen per pound of body weight than adults, and are in critical stages of development which, if missed, may never be recovered again.
Therefore, the risk of masks to their health is likely to be far greater than it is for adults.
School Board Meetings Provide Testimony of Harms:
The Danville school board heard from parents at their October 5th, 2021 meeting. Parents explained that their children are experiencing all the expected harms from wearing masks, including: headaches, skin irritation, social/emotional issues, communication difficulties, dirty masks, and emotional distress.
After hearing the community’s concerns, the Danville school board members passed ongoing mask use for everyone inside the building indefinitely, with no plans to assess or address any of the harms brought up by parents.
Events at the Danville school board meeting made it into the local paper (helping to raise awareness).
The article and the video recording of the entire meeting are available here:
Article in the Caledonian-Record
VIDEO of the entire meeting, enter the passcode B&w8khiF (public comment begins at about 40 minutes)
Official Meeting Minutes:
Posters Linking OSHA and CDC Symptoms to Studies of Youth:
The CDC and OSHA warn that wearing N-95’s can cause carbon dioxide poisoning and oxygen deprivation. The posters below show the symptoms to look for, and compare them with symptoms found in youth who are wearing masks in response to COVID:

Vermonters Speak about Harms to Children at Statehouse, November 2021
Youth Speak:
NPR Interviews Young Students about Wearing Masks:
REAL FACTS Fact Sheet:
Please Share:
Letter to School Staff Informing of Responsibility to Supervise Mask Use and Warning Signs of O2 and CO2 Difficulties:

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The information contained on this website is presented to you by the author for informational purposes only. The author is NOT a medical, legal, or personal protective equipment expert. Nothing within this website is intended to provide medical, legal, or other advice of any kind. Readers/viewers are responsible for doing their own research, and seeking professional advice when necessary.