The Five H Radio Show

Health, Harmony, Happiness, Humor and Humanity

Hosts Geri Proccachini and Amy Hornblas discuss issues related to The 5 H’s

with neighbors from the Mad River Valley in Vermont, across New England- and beyond.


The 5 H Show is produced at a low-powered FM community radio station in Warren, Vermont.

Tune in at Noon on Fridays & 3:00 on Sundays or check out the collection of previous episodes, available for streaming below.

WMRW broadcasts in the Warren Valley at 94.5 FM and online at:

Many thanks to WMRW, of Warren, Vermont for hosting our conversations.

Please consider Donating to WMRW!



The views and opinions expressed on The 5 H Show represent those of the producer and participants. 

They do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of WMRW or its license holder, Rootswork.

2025 Winter Update:

Due to winter weather conditions there are going to be less fresh episodes through the winter months of 2025.  Geri is continuing to host live interviews a few times a month Amy will be back in full-swing in the spring!

You can look forward to the following live interviews, as well as check out the Previously Recorded library below.



March 9th:  Steve Berry, candidate for US Senate last November, will speak with us about the documentary he helped produce with Jaime Gage and filmmaker Sam Sorich:

Things Hidden: The Life and Legacy of Rene Girard

PREVIOUSLY AIRED Five H Show Episodes:

Phone-Free Schools in Vermont

“A handful of schools in Vermont have gone truly phone-free for the entire school day and the results are inspiring. When students get a 6-7 hour break from phones for the day, they report better academic focus, improved mental health, and stronger social cohesion.”  
Friday, February 21st, 2025:  Geri was joined by Liza Earle-Centers to discuss the Phone and Social Media-Free Schools bill  (H54 / S21) which would ensure that all Vermont students and teachers — not just at a handful of schools — can access these benefits.
You can read more about the bill at

Dennis Steele Helps Close the Deal on Masks

Sunday, January 19th, 2025:  Last week the State of Vermont dropped its court case against a father who refused to put a mask on to watch his son’s high school basketball game back in 2021.  Why did the state decide to drop its case after 3 years and a lengthy jury selection process?  This is an amazing story about the people speaking the truth and the system working in miraculous ways.  Thanks to courageous neighbors like Dennis, we may finally be able to “close the deal” on masks.

Read the Vermont Daily Chronicle article by Michael Bielawski article HERE.

Listen to the interview with Dennis Steele concerning his recently dismissed court case:


Food Will Bring Us Together with John Klar

The Small Farm Republic cover“There is nothing sweeter than Vermont Liberty!”

Sunday, December 8th 2024:   Farmer, attorney, scientist, author, political candidate and speaker at next weekend’s LIBERTY FOOD FEST 2024 in Wells River, Vermont.  John Klar shares the thinking behind his latest books concerning the need for a focus on regenerative agriculture, his work with Joel Salatin and the upcoming food festival.  He also shares the latest news on his court case regarding a 6 year-old student in Vermont who was vaccinated at school without parental consent. 

LIBERTY FOOD FEST 2024 December 13 – 1, 2024

Small Farm Republic- Chelsea Green Press

John Klar on Substack

Video about the Politella Family’s Legal Case


Following are recordings from Friday’s speakers at the Liberty Food Festival held in Bellow’s Falls, Vermont on December 13th, 2024:

Part 1- The Importance of Loyalty: Discussion with publisher Margot Baldwin of Chelsea Green and author Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms. Facilitated by documentary filmmaker Graham Meriwether:

Part 2- In Pursuit of Hay: Vermont’s own farmer, author and former gubernatorial candidate John Klar talks about the lessons of hay and the farmer’s journey:

Part 3- New Messaging for Food Freedom: Inspiration for the path forward by world-renowned farmer, author and teacher Joel Salatin:


November 24th:  A Fine Art Studio in Waitsfield:  Barrie Fisher, Artist & Neighbor



November 17th:  Dr. Rob Williams discusses his new book:  Beings Human: A Most Miraculous Conspiracy.

More information about Dr. Williams’ other projects:


Plan-V TV Show

Our Geoengineering Age Research Center


October 20th:  Lesley Bienvenue Returns to Discuss Banned Books


October – November:  Geri Interviews the Candidates for the Local  Washington-2 House Seat

(Recordings of the interviews with the other two candidates for this House seat are being tracked down.)

October 13th:  Gayle Brown, Vermont Stands Up!


The producers of The 5 H Show do not endorse any particular political party or person.  We are making a concerted effort to bring our neighbor’s voices to the airwaves, whatever their political perspective.

Our intention is to improve our community’s overall health, no matter who wins the race, by finding common ground.

We are placed a special focus this summer and fall on our neighbors who were running for office.  Their courage to get involved and speak up about their concerns gives us hope, and we’d like to share that hope with our listeners. 

We strive to include voices from across the spectrum and beyond.  Please be in touch if you know of a candidate or representative who is interested in joining us on the air:

Lt. Governor Calls the Balls & Strikes

“If the solutions were easy, we’d have done them already.”

October 6, 2024:  Vermont is one of only two U.S. states with a farmer in the executive office.  With his wife and family our Lt. Governor raises veggies, pigs, eggs and chickens.  A University of Vermont graduate who was inspired by Bernie Sanders, David has had a long political career.  In 1996 he was elected to the Vermont House of Representatives, where he spent 14 years before being elected Senator for Chittenden County in 2012.  He is currently serving his second term as Lt. Governor and is on the campaign trail, asking to be re-elected to that post in next month’s election.

Lieutenant Governor David Zuckerman stopped along the campaign trail to join us today live, in the radio station.  We had a great conversation.  David shares his experience on the Agriculture Committees, farming in Vermont, housing, and many other current concerns.  He also describes the role of Lt. Governor, what he’s done during his terms, and what it means to “Call the Balls and Strikes” in the Senate.

Office of Lt. Governor Newsletters



Representative Dara Torre Shares Her Experience

October 4th, 2024:  On Fridays at noon Geri has been holding a series of interviews with candidates running for office locally.  Representative Dara Torre has been honored to be representing the towns of Duxbury, Fayston, Moretown, Waitsfield and Warren (Washington-2 district).  “It’s been an incredibly productive and rewarding first term, and I’m proud of the important work we completed for Vermont communities.” 

In this interview Geri asks about all of the tough issues facing the Vermont legislature, including housing and education.  Representative Torre clearly describes the thinking at the Statehouse behind the proposed solutions and policies under consideration.


Pastor Ed Wheeler & The Americanism Revival

September 15, 2024:  Pastor Ed Wheeler of East Middlebury, Vermont is an electrical engineer and business-owner who’s studied physics and attended divinity school.  He is passionate about history, especially the promise of Freedom laid out by the founders of this country.  Pastor Wheeler has looked deeply into how much the Vermont government’s climate change initiatives are going to cost and whether they will be effective.  He has also looked deeply into the science behind the carbon-emission-causes-global-warming theory, and has found nothing substantial there to support the claims.  He has good news to share:  God loves us, humans are good and our constitution can protect us, if we use it!

Pastor Wheeler has traveled Vermont offering a presentation called Americanism vs. Marxism which explores the astounding similarity between modern government policies in the U.S. and those of communism as it’s encroached in other parts of the world.  This episode explores many of the scientific and spiritual questions of our time.

Check out our interview for deep insights, hard science and spiritual uplift:

Hear Speakers at the GET REAL Rally on June 15th:

Pastor Ed Wheeler

More to come soon…


Dr. Suzy Harris Gets To Root Causes 

Dr. Suzy Harris

September 8th, 2024:  This episode we explore the healing arts practiced by Dr. Suzy Harris of Cedar Wood Natural Healing Center  in South Burlington Vermont.  Dr. Suzy has been serving Vermont and the New England area for 25 years as a root cause medicine practitioner.   In this interview you’ll hear about her practice, how she utilizes applied kinesiology chiropractic, autonomic response muscle testing methods and individualized nutritional healing programs for all ages.  She also describes her mentors, including her patients, whose journeys constantly inform her practice.  She shares what it’s been like to navigate those evolving needs, particularly over the past four years. 

We discuss her artistic pursuits, including a film project focused on regenerative agriculture and her podcast program, which includes numerous interviews with her mentors in the field.  Check it out here:  The Next 7 Podcast


Candidate for Governor, Kevin Hoyt

“All we have is each other,
and that’s how I know we’re going to be o.k.”
– Kevin Hoy

Recorded August 18th, 2024: Kevin Hoyt, Gubernatorial candidate from Bennington County, Vermont joined us today to discuss his projects and his campaign. He tells us about his Vermont family roots going back to the 1600’s and how he decided to get involved in politics when he he realized he was losing his freedoms and wasn’t going to be able to live here anymore. Kevin has over 6,000 videos under his belt, started a news network, and has been talking with folks near and far, gathering ideas and partners as he goes along.

His name is on the ballot for Governor once again this year, and in this interview Kevin describes his top priorities, which include: term limits, 2nd Amendment rights, clean air, and plant medicine. With a focus on solutions, Hoyt’s proposals include a ban on chemtrails and geoengineering, as well as a strong focus on innovative recovery options to address the tragic opioid crisis. He describes his experience uncovering election fraud in Bennington County and other efforts to uncover abuse of power by government officials.

More information about Kevin Hoyt can be found here:
Grass Roots Warrior Network
Kevin on FB




Lesley Bienvenue, Candidate for the Vermont Senate in Addison County

“I chose to run for office to promote excellence in education, reduce crime, conserve, preserve and
protect our natural resources along with quality control in fiscal management.”

Recorded August 11th, 2024: Lesley Bienvenue, MBA, Med, MG of Addison County is running for the State Senate. With professional experience in business and education, she has been helping her neighbors for decades in numerous volunteer positions, including public libraries and Festival on the Green, to name just a few.

Lesley has been talking with her neighbors about their concerns everywhere she can, including public libraries, where she has a particular interest.  Lesley shares her ideas to address the problems we face in the economy, education and healthcare. She joined us in the studio just before the primary election, where she faces off against two Republican rivals.




We the People: Gregory Thayer

Recorded August 4th, 2024:  Gregory Thayer is a candidate for Lt. Governor in Vermont. Gregory is on the Republican ballot against John Rodgers of Glover in the primary election on August 13th. If he wins the primary next week, he will be on the ballot again in November against the Democratic candidate, likely to be our current Lt. Governor Dave Zuckerman.

In this interview Gregory shares his background and his reasons for running for statewide office. Gregory explains the history of the Republican party, the Constitution and the local and regional issues at play today. We discuss what he’s hearing on the campaign trail and his ideas to address those concerns.


To learn more about Gregory’s Campaign:

Gregory Thayer for VT LT. Governor FB



Love’s New Earth by Hope Mauran

Recorded July 21, 2024: Hope Mauran joins us today to describe the messages she is bringing in her new book, Hope’s New Earth. This interview invites us all to participate actively in the creation of the new Earth based in love.  Without blinders to the perils we face, Hope’s books and artwork inspires us to rise to the challenge, finding courage to acknowledge our true potential and power, and act from that knowledge.  This conversation brings listeners in touch with the supportive wisdom Hope has been inspired to bring us, to help us through these challenging times with peace and purpose.

Hope’s work and free downloads are available on her website:

“It was a Dark and Stormy Night

on planet Earth,

and the people said: “No More!”

No More of this charade

of government,

of medicine,

of education,

and so the new world began…”

– Dark and Stormy, available for download on Hope’s Website



John Rodgers Runs for Lt. Governor

July 14th, 2024:  Today we are joined by John Rodgers, candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Vermont.  John is kept busy running his family’s farm and businesses in Glover, but has also taken time to represent his district as a Democrat in the Vermont House (2003-11) and Senate (2013-21).  This summer he is coming back into politics for a run in the Republican Primary and hopes to go on to compete against current Lt. Governor, David Zuckerman.*

John joins us to explain why he is running as a Republican this time and why he is joining others from across the political spectrum at the Statehouse to address their common concerns.

To learn more about John’s campaign:

WVMT Morning Drive Interview with Kurt & Dave




Cannabis Update with The Fine Print’s Caleb Teske:

July 7th, 2024:  Celebrate Independence Day with Caleb Teske, investigative journalist from the Northeast Kingdom and creator of The Fine Print Journalism.  For the past few years Caleb’s been conducting a deep dive into the cannabis industry in Vermont, conducting interviews with the people involved across the industry, especially growers.  Caleb shares what he’s learned about how cannabis legalization efforts have been working- and not working- for our neighbors and friends in the Green Mountain State.

To learn more about Caleb’s work:

The Fine Print on Youtube

The Fine Print Instagram

The Fine Print Journalism on Facebook


Elizabeth Brown Gets Involved

“Either I get involved, or we leave.”

Recorded June 16, 2024:  Many Vermonters are “quietly leaving the state” due to rising costs and a lack of essential services.  Others are deciding to stay and stand their ground.  Elizabeth Brown is digging in her heals and getting involved.  This election season she is running as a Democrat for the Vermont House of Representatives in the Washington-Chittenden District. (Waterbury, Bolton, Buels Gore & Huntington.) With a background in business management, she hopes to bring her skills to the Statehouse and apply them to issues she is concerned about, such as education and the economy. She is finding her message resonates with Vermonters across the spectrum. Join us as we discuss the common ground Elizabeth shares with her neighbors.

Elizabeth Brown For Vermont


Charlotte Dennett Follows the Pipelines


Recorded June 14, 2024: Today Geri interviewed Charlotte Dennett, author of Follow the Pipelines:

In Follow the Pipelines, investigative journalist Charlotte Dennett digs into her father’s postwar counterintelligence work, which pitted him against America’s wartime allies—the British, French, and Russians—in a covert battle for geopolitical and economic influence in the Middle East. Through stories and maps, she reveals how feverish competition among superpower intelligence networks, military, and Big Oil interests have fueled indiscriminate attacks, misguided foreign policy, and targeted killings that continue to this day.

The book delivers an irrefutable indictment of these devastating forces and demonstrates how the brutal violence they incite has shaped the Middle East and birthed an era of endless conflict.

Follow the Pipelines also brings new questions to the fore:

  • To what lengths has the United States negotiated with the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS to secure Big Oil’s holdings in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen?
  • Was the Pentagon’s goal of defeating ISIS a fraudulent pretext for America’s occupation of Syrian eastern provinces and a land grab for oil?
  • Did the infamous double agent Kim Philby, who worked for the British while secretly spying for the Russians, have anything to do with Dennett’s death?
  • Why have the US and China made North Africa the next major battleground in the Great Game for Oil?

Brooke Paige Asks Good Questions of Government

Recorded June 9, 2024:  H. Brooke Paige, Candidate for Secretary of State to discuss the history and present condition of Vermont government and rule of law.  Amy asks him for an update on his lawsuit over the mail-in voting law and constitutional amendments proposed during Vermont’s last statewide election (H. Brooke Paige vs. State of Vermont) as well as the numerous positions he is running for, including Secretary of State, as a Republican candidate in the election this fall.

Learn more at Brooke’s Website:


Interview with Olga Maria: Acupuncture Physician, Homesteader, Homeschooler, Liberty Advocate and Medical Freedom Activist

Recorded April 19, 2024:
Professional background; Olga Maria graduated from NY College in 2015 and has been practicing Integrative Acupuncture in Vermont since 2017. She holds a Masters of Science in Classical Chinese Medicine – a program that integrates Western Allopathic and Eastern Traditional holistic medicine and herbal training as well as a Bachelors in Health Sciences. She was also trained as an Addiction Detox Specialist. Her clinical practice has several specialties including Veteran’s Care, Gynecology/Fertility, Cannabis Medicine and Pain Management. She was an EMT-Paramedic and Labor Doula in New York City and is an advocate for direct care and patient choice in medicine.
Olga is an educator, creating & teaching workshops on herbal medicine and homesteading skills. She hosts two channels, The @LatinaLibertarian, a free speech platform offering discussions on current events from a libertarian perspective and @LatinaHomesteader which focuses on the challenges and rewards of self sufficiency and sustainable agriculture as an urban Latina turned rural homesteader both featured on YouTube and Rumble.
She is passionate about creating free market spaces and producing liberty based festivals featuring workshops, open discussions and local entertainment. With the goal of creating parallel gatherings in spite of lockdowns she co-produced Cannafest 2021 and executive produced F.U.Fest 2022 and LIBERTYSTOCK 2023. She served as the chairperson for the Libertarian Party of Vermont and is currently the party secretary and the state organizer for the Libertarian Party Mises Caucus.
Olga Maria has been married for over 20 years to her husband Louis, former EMT/EMS Instructor who partners and serves as technical advisor. They are raising two sons and care for a growing homestead with their cats, chickens and puppy!
For Acupuncture: Check out my Linktree: Website: For Homesteading:
For Podcast & More: or


Braver Angels of Vermont


May 31, 2024: Lincoln Earl-Centers is Geri’s guest today. Lincoln is married with 3 kids, is an arborist and owns a small business in Central Vermont. He’s also the Vermont state director of Braver Angels. Braver Angels is a national grassroots organization working to address the challenges of polarization and division. Lincoln is trained as an organizer, instructor, and facilitator with experience in teaching skills and strategies for effective communication and constructive disagreement. In his work with Braver Angels Lincoln has helped lead a national initiative towards reconciliation of our social and political divides.

Stop DUMPING in Our Lakes

May 24, 2024: Geri’s guest today is Pam, A water warrior with a healthcare background. Pam shares her extensive knowledge of the waste disposal process in Vermont. She takes us from the trash bag on the curb to the landfill it goes to in her community, and finally where the waste sludge ends up being treated in one of two towns in Vermont.  The entire journey is all along rivers and lakes.



Food Journeys with Louise Turner

“We’ve got the carbon thing mixed up… now people are realizing, and farmers are realizing that…  So there is a lot of learning and teaching going on, and that gives me hope, for sure, just knowing how wonderful it is when people can be themselves and be able to teach, as well as listen, and have leaders who know what’s going on.  It’s a big deal.”

Recorded on April 18th, 2024 (Airing on May 26th):  Louise Turner is a functional nutrition therapy practitioner and she has had the time and opportunity to observe decades of changes in the agricultural practices in our country.  Full of laughter and good-cheer, Louise is optimistic about the awakenings that are finally happening in food production and health care.  One of the first Weston A. Price Foundation‘s New England chapter leaders, Louise also has a long-time love of connecting people with good, nourishing locally-grown food.  Amy took a trip to visit Louise and they sat together at her kitchen table in April.  Join us for today’s episode as we travel with Louise in her memory, across the country and across the decades of change, and finish up with a look at what Louise keeps in her refrigerator!


Annette Smith:

Decades of Experience Helping Her Neighbors Protect The Environment

The thing I’ve learned through 17 years of working with Vermonters is to never underestimate Vermonters.”

-Annette Smith, Executive Director of Vermonters for a Clean Environment, Vermonter of the Year 2017

May 19th, 2024:  Electromagnetic Frequency Pollution Deep Dive, PART THREE

Education and awareness are the key ingredients in our ability to defend our rights.  So are caring neighbors such as Annette.

Annette has spent decades helping Vermonters navigate the regulatory system in defense of their local environment.  She’s taken on industries such as large-scale energy and telecommunications companies.  Her experience is priceless when it comes to navigating the ever-evolving regulatory and legislative processes.  For example, Vermonters for a Clean Environment has been helping neighbors in the WMRW listening area of Warren and Waitsfield resist tower projects, and was instrumental in winning Vermonters the right to opt-out of Smart Meters on our homes.

We spent the hour talking about efforts in Vermont to address Electro-Magnetic Frequency pollution as part of a month-long series on the subject.  There is no better person to give us an update on the situation as it currently stands in our state.  Listen to the interview to learn what is happening on state, local and, most importantly, grassroots levels.



Is the Legislature Listening?

May 12, 2024:  Electromagnetic Frequency Pollution Deep Dive, PART TWO

Today’s episode takes us to the New Hampshire AND Vermont Statehouses:

The first half of today’s show continues to explore the legal and health implications of expanded 5G Electro-magnetic Frequency pollution, this time from a legislative perspective.  Based on a report by the New Hampshire General Court, House Bill 1487 was introduced in January in the New Hampshire legislature.  It proposed three steps to address the effects of EMF.  We will go there together to hear what New Hampshire’s House Science, Technology and Energy committee has to say about the bill and the reasons for and against passing it into law.

May 17, 2024:  Tap Trees Not Vermonters Statehouse Press Conference

For the second half of the show we travel to Montpelier, Vermont to hear what the citizens have to say about the tidal wave of legislation that is passing through the legislature in recent years.  On May 17th the Tap Trees Not Vermonters Rally brought together Vermonters from across the spectrum with one thing in common: they do not feel their representatives are listening.  Listen to what your neighbors had to say at the press conference in Montpelier:



 Try the White Pill with Theo Talcott:




When Heaven Meets Earth- An Interview with Celeste Longacre

Recorded April 7, 2024:  Meet Celeste Longacre as she takes the time to join us on the 5H Show!Celeste Longacre is an accomplished gardener who has been raising most of her family’s vegetables for over 40 years. She and her husband, Bob, live sustainably in a handmade octagon (with additions). Celeste preserves the garden with canning, freezing, drying, fermenting and root cellaring. Bob cuts all the firewood to keep them warm in the winter. They also generate much of their electricity with a solar array. Check out her blog at

She is also a professional speaker who initially became interested in astrology because of her fascination with people and her given name, “Celeste.” She loves to share her wisdom with audiences of all sorts. She has been widely published in such magazines as “The Old Farmer’s Almanac,” “Utne Reader,” “Welcome to Planet Earth,” “Aquarian Voices,” and “Midnight Horoscope.” Her appearance on NBC’s Today Show was chosen as one of the “Best of the Year” and shown again, in its entirety, the following New Year’s Day. She currently writes a monthly horoscope for “The Old Farmer’s Almanac” and has been their magazine’s astrologer for decades.


At the Kitchen Table with Rock and Roll Legend J. Willis Pratt, February 2024:

J. Willis Pratt has been rocking for decades. Join us as his kitchen table and hear about his life and rock endeavors.

Check out his latest creative projects and the documentary made about him by his buddy Jon Fishman titled When You Are Wild: A Day in the Life of J. Willis Pratt:



Student Declaration 2023 Author Lauren Palmer

The Student Declaration 2023


“When, at the end of any great or terrible storm, we emerge, as now we do out of three years of an unprecedented global phenomenon, into a moment of silence, we are presented an opportunity: an opportunity to pause, to reflect, and to evaluate those events which took place, and those actions undertaken, in the depths of the upheaval. Such is the moment we are now offered, and We, student representatives from across the United States of America, Canada, and the world, having been swept up in this storm of Covid-19 responses for the last three years, urge now serious reflection…”

Read the rest of the Declaration and join the nearly 1,000 other signatories from around the world:

Interview with Lauren on February 18, 2023:



Carol Collins Spins Poetry

Recorded on January 14th, 2024: This was the second interview with Carol Collins of Singing Spindle Spinnery, this time live in the radio station in Warren.

Right-click the music bar to download the MP3 file or link.




Singing Spindle Spinnery Visit and Interview with Carol Collins


Recorded December 17, 2023: For today’s episode we are going to Carol Collins’ Spinning Studio in Duxbury, Vermont. During this on-location interview our Mad River Valley neighbor describes her journey as a student, teacher and textile business woman. As you listen, see if you can imagine the spinning wheel whirling, the bowl of wool at Carol’s feet, and feel the string of fibers as they are nimbly twisted and spun from her fingers around and around the wheel. Carol invites us to join her in her numerous artistic and educational endeavors, which adorn the walls and every surface of her colorful, magical studio, with a full view of the snowy forest!




Good Vibrations with Nicole LoPresti



Nicole is an Artist, Yoga Facilitator, and Biofield Tuning Practitioner. She discusses healing on all levels, and especially the importance of learning about ourselves, through play and connection with nature. More information available at her website:







Spiraling Back to Wise Woman Ways with Susun Weed!


Join Amy as she interviews her favorite herbal mentor, Susun Weed. September, 2023.


SUSUN S. WEED, author of Down There, Sexual and Reproductive Health the Wise Woman Way (Ash Tree Publishing, June 21, 2011) and award-winning author of New Menopausal Years The Wise Woman Way, Alternative Approaches for Women 30-90 (Ash Tree Publishing), is one of America’s best-known authorities on herbal medicine and natural approaches to women’s health. Expert herbalists and well-known women’s health physicians such as Susan Love, MD, Christiane Northrup, MD, Rosemary Gladstar, and David Hoffman recommend her books.






“Steroids: Prescription for Shattered Dreams” author Terry Difazio (August 4th, 2023):


Steroid use has become ubiquitous among athletes and body builders, to the point where it has been impossible to compete without them for decades. Terry explains how steroids work, how they are being used today, and tips for athletes who are facing pressure to use them. Terry is also the program manager for NEK-TV in Newport, and has been a drummer since 1969. He joins us in the studio to discuss the health concerns associated with using anabolic steroids for muscle enhancement.






Venus!  A Discussion with Kelly Hunter, Astro-mythologist (July 28th, 2023):



Our neighbor Kelly Hunter, is a world-renowned astro-mythologist, returns!  This time, to discuss the relevance of Venus, as she retro-grades in Leo.  What does this mean?  How can we use this time to maximize our own courage and pleasure?

Kelly Hunter’s website:





The Impact of Cannabis Commercialization in Vermont (June 23, 2023):

Martha Hafner and Kathleen discuss the impacts of commercialized cannabis and local initiatives to raise awareness.

5 H Show.Commercialized C.6.23.23.mp3.mp3

Information from our guests regarding the health impacts of commercialized cannabis:’s more in this dropbox.

Video from AALM – Smokescreen.



Falun Gong Instructor Te Chen (May, 2023):

Te Chen is a Falun Gong practitioner who offers classes in Vermont, as well as programs to raise public awareness of the ongoing atrocities being committed currently in China.Te talked about the healing practice of Falun Gong, as well as the oppression, arrest, and violence practitioners are experiencing at the hands of the Chinese government.


For more information about Falun Gong, its practice, and the Chinese government’s program for harvesting organs from prisoners, see the links below:

The Falun Dafa Information Center:,vi[…]7jc

Falun Gong Falun Dafa Exercise 1 to 5 – 15 Minutes:—15-Minutes:b

China’s Secret Organ Trade & The Persecution Of Falun Gong Practitioners: Human Harvest:





Kelly Hunter, Astrologer- The U.S. Birthchart and Pluto Return, Recorded on April 28, 2023:



Our neighbor Kelly Hunter, is a world-renowned astro-mythologist. In this interview she reviews the United State’s birthchart, which is going through its Pluto Return this summer, as well as other upcoming astrological events.


Kelly Hunter’s website:






Greg Robbins- Maritime Supervision of Respirators and Sea Stories, Recorded on April 21, 2023:



To put the use of respirators, and respiratory protection, in a historical context, I’ve invited one of our neighbors on the show today to help explain how these devices are used in workplace settings and why these measures are taken in order to provide protection to workers exposed to dangerous contaminants in the air.



Greg Robbins is a State Maritime College graduate with a B.S. degree in Nautical Sciences. He spent most of his professional career working aboard ocean-going ships and smaller vessels.  He is now retired, formerly lived in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, and is now in New Hampshire.











React 19 New Hampshire Round Table Organizers

Recorded on April 7, 2023:

On April 26, 2023, Concerned Alumni of Dartmouth College hosted a Roundtable Discussion and Dinner Event with a particular focus on College Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates, covering Scientific, Ethical, and Legal Considerations. Dartmouth’s Hanover Inn event featured keynote speaker Aaron Siri, Esq. The dinner benefited React19, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Covid-19 vaccine-injured community and is being organized by Concerned Alumni of Dartmouth College, with promotional support from the CHD New England Chapter.

Event organizers describe the details of their work on this episode of The 5 H Show.






Megan Mansell: Why Masking Children is Unethical and Unnecessary,

March 24, 2023

“It begs repeating, and with great emphasis, that every mask you have ever seen on a child is unregulated, untested, and unsafe, with zero efficacy, fit, term of wear, or medical clearance standards. Zero.”


Megan Mansell


Megan Mansell is a former district education director over special populations integration, serving students who are profoundly disabled, immunocompromised, undocumented, autistic, and behaviorally challenged; she also has a background in hazardous environs PPE applications. She is experienced in writing and monitoring protocol implementation for immunocompromised public sector access under full ADA/OSHA/IDEA compliance.

One of the multidisciplinary experts from the Frontline Doctors’ Industrial Hygiene and Multidisciplinary Support Summit, and author of Accommodating Chaos:  Correcting Course on a Plague of Disinformation.

In this interview Megan addresses why every mask we see on a child is completely unregulated, untested, unsafe, not to mention unethical, and why the continued use of masks in schools as a special education accommodation is inappropriate and unnecessary.  What alternatives exist to protect students and adults with special health needs?

Megan Mansell was one of the presenters at the Vermont Emergency Forum to Assess the Respiratory Hazards of Masks in Burlington, Vermont.




Women and Girls and the Trans Agenda with Sherri Glebus:



How are women and girls faring as policies, legislation, health practices, and language itself, are being changed in response to trans inclusion concerns. We explore how and why things are changing on these fronts, and how girls and women have responded, with feminist spirituality scholar Sherri Glebus.









Robert F. Kennedy Speaks in New Hampshire, March 10, 2023:



Robert F. Kennedy came to New England and spoke to a crowd of supporters in New Hampshire this winter. Listen to his talk, which covers many topics, including health, informed consent, legal defense of our rights, and political solutions for the future.










The Revolutionary Respiratory Therapist- Besty Thomason- RETURNS!, February 24th, 2023:



Betsy Thomason, Respiratory Therapist, Director of Outbreath Institute, and author of Just Breathe Out returns to continue teaching us the Breathe Out Dynamic System. This revolutionary way of breathing is life-changing, and Betsy is a positive role model and guide to help us all breathe more easily, and effectively, and thereby live more fully. This live show received phone calls from across the country!










Physicians for Informed Consent with Dr. Sandy Reider, M.D., February 17, 2023:



What is the importance of Informed Consent? How is a medical provider’s ability to provide honest, balanced information about our health choices under threat, and what can be done about it? This interview with Dr. Sandy Reider, Family Physician and founding member of Physicians for Informed Consent, explores all these issues with heart and humor.







Children’s Health Defense Vermont director, Jennifer Stella, February10, 2023:



Learn about the bills being proposed in the Vermont legislature this year that will help protect health choice freedom. This episode is an interview with the director of Health Choice Vermont, and the newly-formed Vermont chapter of Children’s Health Defense.







Block Chain Technology: An Interview with Alison Despathy and Leo Saraceno, January 27, 2023:



What is Block Chain Technology, and where can we see evidence of the global digital economy encroaching on us in Vermont? Authors Alison Despathy and Leo Saraceno ( discuss their research together.









BREAKING NEWS: The Vermont Agency of Education has NO Evidence Masks are Safe, January 20, 2023, PART ONE and TWO:



In response to a FOIA request, the Vermont Agency of Education has admitted they possess no evidence masks are safe for any children. This episode explains this lack of evidence, and shares testimony from experts in the field (Megan Mansell and Dr. Avery Jackson), as well as Vermont parents, describing the countless harms masks can cause, particularly to children.









Leigh Merinoff of The Field House EcoFarm and Learning Center, January 6th, 2023:









Working Moms from the Kingdom, December 30, 2022:









Do Not Consent: 5G Discussion with Annette Smith and Emily Lanxner:



Annette Smith is the  Executive Director of Vermonters for a Clean Environment, a grassroots organization that helps raise the voices of Vermonters to have a say in what goes on in their communities, and to hold corporations accountable for their actions.



Emily Lanxner is a music producer and 5-year environmental activist focused on protecting pollinators.



Check out the music video for Do Not Consent:









The Revolutionary Respiratory Therapist: Interview with Betsy Thomason, December 9, 2022:









Broken Systems, Broken Promises: Interview with Larry Crist, November 25, 2022:









Proposition 5 Deep Dive (“Reproductive Autonomy” Constitutional Amendment), October 28, 2022:









Interview with Tom Kelly, Barre City Legislative Candidate:









Evaluating Scientific Research- PART TWO, September 30, 2022:









Amy Interviews Geri Proccachini, September 19, 2022:









Dr. Vicky Interview, September 9, 2022:









Evaluating Scientific Research, September 2, 2022:







The information contained on this website is presented to you by the author for informational purposes only. The author is NOT a medical, legal, or personal protective equipment expert. Nothing within this website is intended to provide medical, legal, or other advice of any kind. Readers/viewers are responsible for doing their own research, and seeking professional advice when necessary.