National OSHA, ADA & IDEA-Trained Speakers at The Forum:
“…every mask you have ever seen on a child is unregulated, untested, and unsafe, with zero efficacy, fit, term of wear, or medical clearance standards. Zero.” – Megan Mansell, Former district education director over special populations integration, hazardous environs PPE applications, and ADA/OSHA/IDEA compliance
“No, in our profession, it is illegal to implement any control measure that does not provide a relative risk reduction rating of 90% or greater. What does your surgical mask, or T-shirt provide for you? Nothing. What does your N95 provide for you? Maybe 1%. So, we do not implement those controls that create a greater hazard for a small fraction of a percent of a protection. That’s insane.” – Tammy Clark, Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety Professional and Industrial Hygienist
“Mask wearing is putting our kids at risk for chronic respiratory, cardio-respiratory, stress; for hypoxia- which is low oxygen; for impaired kidney function and kidney inflammation… In extreme cases, usually involving exercise, the possibility of respiratory arrest, brain damage, and even sudden cardiac death. What the hell are we thinking?” -Dr. Christina Parks
Vermont Business-Owners, Students & Health Care Providers Spoke at the Forum:
Gayle Brown, one of the speakers at the Vermont Emergency Forum to Assess the Respiratory Hazards of Masks, is applauded as she explains how her Vermont business became the top tourist attraction in the state thanks to her common-sense, freedom & unity approach.
Two students shared how wearing masks made them feel unwell, and how they were similarly treated by their elementary school administrators when they complained. One just closed their court case which was supported by the Children’s Health Defense legal team.
The fourth panelists are a mother and son who stood up to mask mandates at their school.
Small business-owner from Newport, Vermont, Mike Desautels shares what it was like to be brought to court for violating the Governor’s mask mandate and then to bring a lawsuit against the school in defense of his daughter’s need to attend school unmasked.
Vermont Health Care Specialists at the Forum:
Betsy Thomason, Director of Outbreath Institute, shares the importance of breathing.Dr. Sandy Reider is a Physician in Northeast Vermont who faced opposition for voicing his concerns regarding Covid policies and supporting mask exemptions for his patients.
MORE Videos from the Forum are Now Available:
The WVMT Morning Drive:
Radio Hosts Kurt and Anthony interview Amy Hornblas on April 25th about the Mask Forum:
Vermont Health Commissioner, Dr. Mark Levine is asked about his own study, (Risk Factors for COVID-19: Community Exposure and Mask-Wearing) which found that mask use increased the incidence of COVID-19, and responds to concerns about masks on “The Morning Drive” with Kurt and Anthony:
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